Regency Love Giveaway

Have you played the main Regency Love, but was unable to get the in-app purchase for Graham’s story? Or do you have a friend who might be interested in Regency Love, but hasn’t gotten around to buying the game? As part of our Lady Lavender celebrations, we are giving away 25 promo codes for the main Regency Love game and the Graham in-app purchase (which is the only way to meet Lord Sutton).

To request a promo code, simply:

  1. Email [samantha] at [teaforthreestudios] dot [com]
  2. Use the subject ‘Code: RL’ for the main game or ‘Code: Graham’ for the expansion pack
  3. You may request one or the other, but not both

Codes will be given first come, first served.

Due to the App Store’s rules about promo codes, if you redeem a code for Regency Love, then you can only obtain the Graham story pack through an in-app purchase; conversely, you can only redeem the Graham code if you have a paid copy of Regency Love. As such, we are unable to give away the complete Regency Love games – but we hope you’ll enjoy this giveaway nonetheless!

We would love it very much indeed if you could help us spread the word about Regency Love and Lady Lavender across social media. We are using the hashtags #RegencyLove and #LadyLavender

Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to receiving your emails!

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