Countdown: Yayayayay!

Apple has given their seal of approval, which means the update is pretty much ready to go! Samantha found out about this upon rising at 5am in Belfast, and promptly texted Melody (who’s at work at 2pm in Sydney), and we’ll be reconvening at noon/9pm cause Sam has to tweak the original release post she wrote and Mel has to do some final fiddly things on the App Store and then it will be available!

(Meanwhile, Jenny is impervious to timezones and is silently conquering the world with her artz.)


Countdown: Waiting for review

We still have four countdown images on hand, so why not share them while we all wait for Apple to review the latest Regency Love update? Despite periodically checking the app status, it’s still in the reviewing queue—let’s all keep our fingers crossed for that to change soon!

Meanwhile, poor Mr Graham seems to have received some news about an unpleasant nature…
