This morning/yesterday evening (timezones are tricky!), we held our first Skype meeting of 2014. After discussions of turkey and pie (and snowmen!!), we moved on to planning our next app update (in about 3-4 weeks), which will include a kazillion bug fixes and lots more trivia and hangman questions. And then we thought, “Hey, we shouldn’t be hogging all the fun—maybe we should share it with our players!”
And so, we’re now asking you to contribute to the game by letting us know your favourite quotations from the Regency era (1811-1820). Simply comment on this blog post, and we’ll try to include it in the next version! For those who wish to go beyond the Regency, we’re open to anything from the long eighteenth century (roughly 1688-1815), as long as the quote is something that might feasibly be experienced by a Regency audience. For example, version A of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”, published in 1817, would be great; version B, discovered in 1976, would be a little amiss.
Although we adore Jane Austen quotations, please don’t feel limited by her works—there’s a whole range of popular writing Jane Austen and her contemporaries might have read. Some of these writers include: Maria Edgeworth, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Thomas Moore, Walter Scott, William Blake, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Ann Radcliffe, Sydney Owenson/Lady Morgan, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Fanny Burney, Mary Shelley, and I think I’ll stop now before I fully reveal my nerdiness…
Before sharing your quotes, please do check the comments to make sure they haven’t already been posted. We know some quotes are a lot more popular than others, but we don’t want to make the less popular ones feel sad and overlooked! If you know anyone (iOS gamer or no) who’s a long eighteenth century walking dictionary, please share this with them, too!
When you’re ready, please submit your quotations in the following format:
Author/writer — title (year of publication)
Here’s an example:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Jane Austen — Pride and Prejudice (1813)
This format will super helpful for when we fiddle with the coding, and will also help us wean out duplicates (of which we hope there will be none)!
Post your quotes by Sunday, 26 January (Australia Day!) in order for them to be included in the next update. Thanks for helping us, and we look forward to your submissions!
(And for those who might be wondering if it’s possible to contribute to the trivia questions as well: yes indeedy! We’re fine-tuning the submission process and will have something up soon!)